Epic currently made streaming Fortnite simpler than always with a new Houseparty integration

Epic is further stitching together its different platforms with new Fortnite integration for its social video application Houseparty that allows you stream your gameplay to companions. The integration builds on a existing one that utilizes Houseparty’s video chatting capabilities to bring live video chat into Fortnite, and now this essentially does the reverse.

That way, your friends can see you live both through your mobile phone camera and furthermore the feed of your active Fortnite game. Consider it somewhat like Twitch streaming without all the fuss and only for your friends rather than the more broader public. Epic says the feature supports streaming from a PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, or PC right now. “We will let everyone know if we’re able to support more platforms in the future,” Epic says in its blog post.

Epic owns Houseparty, which streamlines fast and easy group video chat, following a 2019 securing, and the game maker has utilized the application to help the social feature sets of its different gaming platforms. A few months following the obtaining, Epic began using Houseparty for improved Fortnite cross-platform audio chat, and now a full bridge between the game and the application exists.

For a breakdown of how to enable Houseparty gameplay streaming and video chat, look at Epic’s FAQ.

Categories: Technology
Priyanka Patil:


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