Gen AI without the dangers

Gen AI without the dangers

It’s understandable that ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, and DreamStudio-Generative AI are making headlines. The outcomes are striking and getting better geometrically. Already, search and information analysis, as well as code creation, network security, and article writing, are being revolutionized by intelligent assistants.

Gen AI will play a critical role in how businesses run and provide IT services, as well as how business users complete their tasks. There are countless options, but there are also countless dangers. Successful AI development and implementation can be a costly and risky process. Furthermore, the workloads associated with Gen AI and the large language models (LLMs) that drive it are extremely computationally demanding and energy-intensive.Dr. Sajjad Moazeni of the University of Washington estimates that training an LLM with 175 billion or more parameters requires an annual energy expenditure for 1,000 US households, though exact figures are unknown. Over 100 million generative AI questions answered daily equate to one gigawatt-hour of electricity use, or about 33,000 US households’ daily energy use.

How even hyperscalers can afford that much electricity is beyond me. It’s too expensive for the typical business. How can CIOs provide reliable, accurate AI without incurring the energy expenses and environmental impact of a small city?

Six pointers for implementing Gen AI economically and with less risk

Retraining generative AI to perform particular tasks is essential to its applicability in business settings. Expert models produced by retraining are smaller, more accurate, and require less processing power. So, in order to train their own AI models, does every business need to establish a specialized AI development team and a supercomputer? Not at all.

Here are six strategies to create and implement AI without spending a lot of money on expensive hardware or highly skilled personnel.

Start with a foundation model rather than creating the wheel.

A company might spend money creating custom models for its own use cases. But the expenditure on data scientists, HPC specialists, and supercomputing infrastructure is out of reach for all but the biggest government organizations, businesses, and hyperscalers.

Rather, begin with a foundation model that features a robust application portfolio and an active developer ecosystem. You could use an open-source model like Meta’s Llama 2, or a proprietary model like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Hugging Face and other communities provide a vast array of open-source models and applications.

Align the model with the intended use

Models can be broadly applicable and computationally demanding, such as GPT, or more narrowly focused, like Med-BERT (an open-source LLM for medical literature). The time it takes to create a viable prototype can be shortened and months of training can be avoided by choosing the appropriate model early in the project.

However, exercise caution. Any model may exhibit biases in the data it uses to train, and generative AI models are capable of lying outright and fabricating responses. Seek models trained on clean, transparent data with well-defined governance and explicable decision-making for optimal trustworthiness.

Retrain to produce more accurate, smaller models

Retraining foundation models on particular datasets offers various advantages. The model sheds parameters it doesn’t need for the application as it gets more accurate on a smaller field. One way to trade a general skill like songwriting for the ability to assist a customer with a mortgage application would be to retrain an LLM in financial information.

With a more compact design, the new banking assistant would still be able to provide superb, extremely accurate services while operating on standard (current) hardware.

Make use of your current infrastructure

A supercomputer with 10,000 GPUs is too big for most businesses to set up. Fortunately, most practical AI training, retraining, and inference can be done without large GPU arrays.

  • Training up to 10 billion: at competitive price/performance points, contemporary CPUs with integrated AI acceleration can manage training loads in this range. For better performance and lower costs, train overnight during periods of low demand for data centers.
  • Retraining up to 10 billion models is possible with modern CPUs; no GPU is needed, and it takes only minutes.
  • With integrated CPUs, smaller models can operate on standalone edge devices, with inferencing ranging from millions to less than 20 billion. For models with less than 20 billion parameters, such as Llama 2, CPUs can respond as quickly and precisely as GPUs.

Execute inference with consideration for hardware

Applications for inference can be fine-tuned and optimized for improved performance on particular hardware configurations and features. Similar to training a model, optimizing one for a given application means striking a balance between processing efficiency, model size, and accuracy.

One way to increase inference speeds four times while maintaining accuracy is to round down a 32-bit floating point model to the nearest 8-bit fixed integer (INT8). Utilizing host accelerators such as integrated GPUs, Intel® Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel® AMX), and Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel® AVX-512), tools such as Intel® Distribution of OpenVINOTM toolkit manage optimization and build hardware-aware inference engines.

Monitor cloud utilization

A quick, dependable, and expandable route is to offer AI services through cloud-based AI applications and APIs. Customers and business users alike benefit from always-on AI from a service provider, but costs can rise suddenly. Everyone will use your AI service if it is well-liked by all.

Many businesses that began their AI journeys entirely in the cloud are returning workloads to their on-premises and co-located infrastructure that can function well there. Pay-as-you-go infrastructure-as-a-service is becoming a competitive option for cloud-native enterprises with minimal or no on-premises infrastructure in comparison to rising cloud costs.

You have choices when it comes to Gen AI. Generative AI is surrounded by a lot of hype and mystery, giving the impression that it’s a cutting-edge technology that’s only accessible to the wealthiest companies. Actually, on a typical CPU-based data center or cloud instance, hundreds of high-performance models, including LLMs for generative AI, are accurate and performant. Enterprise-grade generative AI experimentation, prototyping, and deployment tools are rapidly developing in both open-source and proprietary communities.

By utilizing all of their resources, astute CIOs can leverage AI that transforms businesses without incurring the expenses and hazards associated with in-house development.

Categories: Technology


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