Intel abandoning 5G tech clarifies Apple’s abrupt Qualcomm settlement

In a move that goes with the present stunning settlement between Apple and Qualcomm, Intel has all of a sudden reported it’s not by any means going to try building 5G modems for cell phones. Apple had endeavored to replace Qualcomm as a provider for its modem chips with Intel, yet announced issues with implementing 5G tech were a reason it’s not expected to show up in an iPhone this year.

In an announcement, Intel said it “does not expect to launch 5G modem products in the smartphone space, including those originally planned for launches in 2020.” According to CEO Bob Swan “We are very excited about the opportunity in 5G and the ‘cloudification’ of the network, but in the smartphone modem business it has become apparent that there is no clear path to profitability and positive returns.”

As late as last November, Intel said it was accelerating improvement of 5G modem tech, and spread out an arrangement of assault for everybody on the CES organize in January.

Presently it will “assess” the opportunities for 4G and 5G in PC, IoT and different gadgets, while proceeding to invest in developing 5G infrastructure tech.

Categories: Business
Mark David: Mark David is a writer best known for his science fiction, but over the course of his life he published more than sixty books of fiction and non-fiction, including children's books, poetry, short stories, essays, and young-adult fiction. He publishes news on apstersmedia.com related to the science.


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