The vision of a true singer; According to Ashkan Fattahi

Ashkan, a well-known board game player and a famous singer, had some specific visions before starting his music career. He believes that his fantasies led him to become a successful singer. In this essay, he will give some useful information on how potential singers must objectify their dreams.

Too many musicians declare that their dream is to be a recording artist. They want to be a star. “All I have ever dreamed of is to be a singer.” That is what I hear daily. I am amazed too often that these “want to be” singers have never got out to sing in public, nor have they trained themselves to make their fantasy a reality.

Consequently, most of these well-meaning people will still wish and dream about fame 30 years from now, wondering why they never gained their lucky break. Fattahi said, it is pretty funny when you think about it for a moment. I believe that you only fall back if you are not moving ahead. Life is in steady motion, and we must make those efforts to drive those dreams to come true.

Ashkan added: “If you are determined to become a thriving singer, you must take those measures that will prepare you for the hard road ahead. If you are not ready to plan your work and work your plan, you are not serious enough. You must objectify yourself as confident and prepared, singing on stage, playing in front of countless people, delightful, selling records, and taking part in radio and television interviews.” It would help if you had a picture of how you will look, dress, speech, voice, style, and the way you want to represent yourself to your audience. It would help if you were realistic and had the aptitude and the practice to be the best version of yourself, to be competitive. You can imagine the hard work of picking suitable melodies, recording, vocal coaching, keeping in shape, choreographing your movements on stage, interacting with your band and your fans, traveling worldwide touring, etc.

Fattahi suggested that as a songwriter, you should fantasize about that incredible song that touches people’s hearts, that ingenious hook or chorus that is catchy, and those influential verses that describe the tale you want to convey. Imagine and visualize what you want the song to communicate and what you wish others to hear and experience through your pieces of music, through your composition. Think about the end in mind, and then write your lyrics!

Categories: Entertainment
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