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How Nvidia Emerged as The Leading Chip Manufacturer in The AI Craze



How Nvidia Emerged as The Leading Chip Manufacturer in The AI Craze

Thanks to positive expectations for the development of artificial intelligence (AI), Nvidia’s stock price has risen to all-time highs in recent weeks.

The chipmaker, which is the industry leader in producing the GPUs that are commonly used in artificial intelligence, closed above $2 trillion on Friday for the first time, placing it third in terms of market value behind Apple and Microsoft.

It’s unlikely that rivals will be able to close the gap anytime soon given the broad “moat” Nvidia has created through years of investment and the creation of its own popular software ecosystem, according to analysts.

According to Bernstein Research senior analyst Stacy Rasgon, “I think Nvidia is the team to lose, and they’re not showing any signs of losing it right now,” she told The Hill.

For many years, Nvidia has been creating GPUs. According to Tianqi Chen, an assistant professor in Carnegie Mellon’s Machine Learning Department, the GPU community started using the chips ten years ago after a discovery that changed the chips’ original purpose from video games.

One of the “godfathers” of artificial intelligence, computer scientist Geoffrey Hinton, discovered that GPUs were more effective at the kind of large-scale computation needed for machine learning, which sparked a “deep learning revolution,” according to Chen.

“The machine learning community started to embrace GPU computing,” Chen said. “As of today, right, almost all the AI models that run deep neural learning networks … a lot of them, even a majority, runs on GPU.”

After observing this trend, Nvidia started developing machine learning libraries for its CUDA software environment, according to Rasgon.

As Nvidia concentrated on advancing its AI capabilities, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), its main rival in the GPU industry, faced financial difficulties.

“It’s only in recent years that AMD and even others have had the resources in place to start investing in data center and AI with GPUs,” Rasgon said. “But by then, Nvidia’s had like a 10-year lead.”

“A lot of it comes down to this: They had an early recognition that this was going to be important. They started dedicating resources to develop products, both hardware and software, to go toward this. They had competitors that were either not interested in doing this or not capable of doing it. And they never lost faith,” he added.

Nvidia has a substantial advantage over other GPU manufacturers thanks to its own software ecosystem.

“Nvidia took an early lead in AI GPU hardware, but more important, developed a proprietary software platform, Cuda, and these tools allow AI developers to build their models with Nvidia,” Morningstar equity strategist Brian Colello said in a recent report.

“We believe Nvidia not only has a hardware lead, but benefits from high customer switching costs around Cuda, making it unlikely for another GPU vendor to emerge as a leader in AI training.”

Rasgon pointed out that a developer would need to completely redo their code if they tried to switch to AMD or Intel components.

“It’s an enormous undertaking,” he said. “And time is money, right? I mean, you want to get to market with this stuff as quickly as possible. It’s much easier just if you’ve developed everything over the last 10 years on Nvidia parts to just keep using them.”

After the introduction of OpenAI’s widely used ChatGPT tool, which triggered intense rivalry among large tech companies to develop and distribute their own generative AI models, Nvidia has started to see a return on its GPU investment over the past year.

In May 2023, the chipmaker’s market value reached $1 trillion for the first time. Nvidia’s stock has increased by 77 percent since the year’s beginning, and the company has continued to rise in recent months.

Late last month, Nvidia first passed the $2 trillion threshold after releasing impressive fourth-quarter earnings that above forecasts. It broke Wall Street’s record for the biggest one-day gain when it added $277 billion in market value in a single day, briefly pushing it over $2 trillion.

Last week, Nvidia’s stock rose sharply once more, closing above $2 trillion for the first time following Dell’s release of fourth-quarter earnings that beat expectations. Reuters claims that Nvidia provides GPUs for Dell servers.

“Accelerated computing and generative AI have hit the tipping point. Demand is surging worldwide across companies, industries and nations,” Jensen Huang, the founder and CEO of Nvidia, said in the company’s latest earnings report.

Last year, the Biden administration’s limits on the sale of sophisticated processors in late 2022 caused a “significant” decline in the company’s data center revenue in China.

In order to get around the limits, Nvidia created two new chips with less features, but in October 2023 the administration also took action against these chips because to worries that American technology might be used to bolster the Chinese military.

At least for the time being, the Santa Clara, California-based company’s domination seems to be virtually unstoppable.

Nvidia’s competitors AMD and Intel don’t seem likely to overtake it, and while internal solutions from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta would be useful for some tasks, they probably wouldn’t have the same flexibility as GPUs, according to Rasgon.

Chen said that if businesses make significant investments in the software component, alternative chips might be able to capture a small portion of the market. He did, however, add that he didn’t think Nvidia would lose its position as the industry leader.

“In the long run, we expect tech titans to strive to find second-sources or in-house solutions to diversify away from Nvidia in AI, but most likely, these efforts will chip away at, but not supplant, Nvidia’s AI dominance,” Morningstar’s Colello added.


OpenAI Launches SearchGPT, a Search Engine Driven by AI



The highly anticipated launch of SearchGPT, an AI-powered search engine that provides real-time access to information on the internet, by OpenAI is being made public.

“What are you looking for?” appears in a huge text box at the top of the search engine. However, SearchGPT attempts to arrange and make sense of the links rather than just providing a bare list of them. In one instance from OpenAI, the search engine provides a synopsis of its discoveries regarding music festivals, accompanied by succinct summaries of the events and an attribution link.

Another example describes when to plant tomatoes before decomposing them into their individual types. You can click the sidebar to access more pertinent resources or pose follow-up questions once the results are displayed.

At present, SearchGPT is merely a “prototype.” According to OpenAI spokesman Kayla Wood, the service, which is powered by the GPT-4 family of models, will initially only be available to 10,000 test users. According to Wood, OpenAI uses direct content feeds and collaborates with outside partners to provide its search results. Eventually, the search functions should be integrated right into ChatGPT.

It’s the beginning of what may grow to be a significant challenge to Google, which has hurriedly integrated AI capabilities into its search engine out of concern that customers might swarm to rival firms that provide the tools first. Additionally, it places OpenAI more squarely against Perplexity, a business that markets itself as an AI “answer” engine. Publishers have recently accused Perplexity of outright copying their work through an AI summary tool.

OpenAI claims to be adopting a notably different strategy, suggesting that it has noticed the backlash. The business highlighted in a blog post that SearchGPT was created in cooperation with a number of news partners, including businesses such as Vox Media, the parent company of The Verge, and the owners of The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press. “News partners gave valuable feedback, and we continue to seek their input,” says Wood.

According to the business, publishers would be able to “manage how they appear in OpenAI search features.” They still appear in search results, even if they choose not to have their content utilized to train OpenAI’s algorithms.

According to OpenAI’s blog post, “SearchGPT is designed to help users connect with publishers by prominently citing and linking to them in searches.” “Responses have clear, in-line, named attribution and links so users know where information is coming from and can quickly engage with even more results in a sidebar with source links.”

OpenAI gains from releasing its search engine in prototype form in several ways. Additionally, it’s possible to miscredit sources or even plagiarize entire articles, as Perplexity was said to have done.

There have been rumblings about this new product for several months now; in February, The Information reported on its development, and in May, Bloomberg reported even more. A new website that OpenAI has been developing that made reference to the transfer was also seen by certain X users.

ChatGPT has been gradually getting closer to the real-time web, thanks to OpenAI. The AI model was months old when GPT-3.5 was released. OpenAI introduced Browse with Bing, a method of internet browsing for ChatGPT, last September; yet, it seems far less sophisticated than SearchGPT.

OpenAI’s quick progress has brought millions of users to ChatGPT, but the company’s expenses are mounting. According to a story published in The Information this week, OpenAI’s expenses for AI training and inference might total $7 billion this year. Compute costs will also increase due to the millions of people using ChatGPT’s free edition. When SearchGPT first launches, it will be available for free. However, as of right now, it doesn’t seem to have any advertisements, so the company will need to find a way to make money soon.

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Google Revokes its Intentions to stop Accepting Cookies from Marketers



Following years of delay, Google has announced that it will no longer allow advertisers to remove and replace third-party cookies from its Chrome web browser.

Cookies are text files that websites upload to a user’s browser so they can follow them around when they visit other websites. A large portion of the digital advertising ecosystem has been powered by this practice, which makes it possible to track people across many websites in order to target ads.

Google stated in 2020 that it would stop supporting certain cookies by the beginning of 2022 after determining how to meet the demands of users, publishers, and advertisers and developing solutions to make workarounds easier.

In order to do this, Google started the “Privacy Sandbox” project in an effort to find a way to safeguard user privacy while allowing material to be freely accessible on the public internet.

In January, Google declared that it was “extremely confident” in the advancement of its plans to replace cookies. One such proposal was “Federated Learning of Cohorts,” which would essentially group individuals based on similar browsing habits; thus, only “cohort IDs”—rather than individual user IDs—would be used to target them.

However, Google extended the deadline in June 2021 to allow the digital advertising sector more time to finalize strategies for better targeted ads that respect user privacy. Then, in 2022, the firm stated that feedback had indicated that advertisers required further time to make the switch to Google’s cookie replacement because some had resisted, arguing that it would have a major negative influence on their companies.

The business announced in a blog post on Monday that it has received input from regulators and advertisers, which has influenced its most recent decision to abandon its intention to remove third-party cookies from its browser.

According to the firm, testing revealed that the change would affect publishers, advertisers, and pretty much everyone involved in internet advertising and would require “significant work by many participants.”

Anthony Chavez, vice president of Privacy Sandbox, commented, “Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time.” “We’re discussing this new path with regulators and will engage with the industry as we roll it out.”

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 Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro Launch Postponed Because of Problems with Quality Control



At its Unpacked presentation on July 10, Samsung also debuted its newest flagship buds, the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro, with the Galaxy Z Fold 6, Flip 6, and the Galaxy Watch 7. Similar to its other products, the firm immediately began taking preorders for the earphones following the event, and on July 26th, they will go on sale at retail. But the Korean behemoth was forced to postpone the release of the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro and delay preorder delivery due to quality control concerns.

The Galaxy Buds 3 Pro went on sale earlier this week in South Korea, Samsung’s home market, in contrast to the rest of the world. However, allegations of problems with quality control quickly surfaced. These included loose case hinges, earbud joints that did not sit flush, blue dye blotches, scratches or scuffs on the case cover, and so on. It appears that the issues are exclusive to the white Buds 3 Pro; the silver devices are working fine.

Samsung reportedly sent out an email to stop selling Galaxy Buds 3 Pros, according to a Reddit user. These problems appear to be a result of Samsung’s inadequate quality control inspections. Numerous user complaints can also be found on its Korean community forum, where one consumer claims that the firm would enhance quality control and reintroduce the earphones on July 24.

 A Samsung official stated. “There have been reports relating to a limited number of early production Galaxy Buds 3 Pro devices. We are taking this matter very seriously and remain committed to meeting the highest quality standards of our products. We are urgently assessing and enhancing our quality control processes.”

“To ensure all products meet our quality standards, we have temporarily suspended deliveries of Galaxy Buds 3 Pro devices to distribution channels to conduct a full quality control evaluation before shipments to consumers take place. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.”

Should Korean customers encounter problems with their Buds 3 Pro devices after they have already received them, they should bring them to the closest service center for a replacement.

Possible postponement of the US debut of the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro

Samsung seems to have rescheduled the launch date and (some) presale deliveries of the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro in the US and other markets by one month. Inspect your earbuds carefully upon delivery to make sure there are no issues with quality control, especially if your order is still scheduled for July.

The Buds 3 Pro is currently scheduled for delivery in late August, one month after its launch date, on the company’s US store. Additionally, Best Buy no longer takes preorders for the earphones, and Amazon no longer lists them for sale.

There are no quality control difficulties affecting the Buds 3, and they are still scheduled for delivery by July 24, the day of launch. Customers of the original Galaxy Buds 3 Pro have reported that taking them out is easy to tear the ear tips. Samsung’s delay, though, doesn’t seem to be related to that issue.

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