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Weird science facts



Usually, with science homework help you learn some essential facts about life like about forces that work in our world or molecular structure. But it is often very formal and not exciting. What about fun facts that will make science more interesting?

1. Babies have more bones than adults

At birth, babies have approximately 300 bones and cartilage between them. This flexibility allows them to pass through the birth canal, and also allows them to grow quickly. Many bones fuse with age. There are 206 bones in an average adult skeleton.

2. During the summer, the Eiffel Tower can reach 15 cm higher

Thermal expansion is the movement of particles in a substance when it is heated up. This is what is called a thermal expansion. A drop in temperature can cause it to contract. For example, the mercury level in a thermometer will rise and fall as the mercury volume changes with the temperature. This effect is strongest in gases, but it also occurs in liquids and solids like iron. This is why large structures like bridges have expansion joints that allow them to expand and contract without causing damage.

3. The Amazon rainforest produces 20% of Earth’s oxygen

The atmosphere is composed of approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. There are also small amounts of other gases. Most living organisms on Earth require oxygen for survival. They convert it into carbon dioxide when they breathe. Photosynthesis is a way for plants to replenish oxygen levels on the planet. This process converts carbon dioxide and water into energy and releases oxygen as a byproduct. The Amazon rainforest covers 5.5 million km2 (2.1 million sq miles). It absorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide and cycles significant quantities of oxygen.

4. Some metals explode when they come in contact with water

Certain metals, such as potassium, sodium and rubidium, oxidize (or tarnish) quickly when exposed to oxygen. Dropping them in water can cause explosions. Chemical stability is a goal for all elements. This means that they must have an outer electron shell. Metals are known to lose electrons in order to achieve this. Alkali metals only have one electron in their outer shell, which makes them extremely eager to pass this unwelcome passenger on to another element through bonding. They form compounds with other elements so easily that they can’t exist in their own right.

5. 6 billion tonnes for a teaspoonful of neutron stars

A neutron star is a remnant of a large star that has run out of fuel. A supernova occurs when a dying star explodes, and its core collapses under gravity to form a super-dense neutron star. The staggeringly large solar masses of galaxies or stars are measured by astronomers in solar masses. This is equivalent to 2 x 1030 kg/4.4 x 1030 lbs. The typical neutron star has a mass up to three solar masses. This is compressed into a sphere of approximately ten kilometers (6.2 miles), which results in some of the most dense matter in the universe.

6. Every year, Hawaii moves 7.5 cm closer to Alaska

The Earth’s crust has been split into huge pieces known as tectonic plates. These plates move in constant motion due to currents in Earth’s upper crust. Hotter, denser rock rises and then cools and sinks. This creates circular convection currents that act as giant conveyor belts that slowly shift the tectonic plates. Hawaii is located in the middle Pacific Plate. It slowly drifts north-west towards the North American Plate and back to Alaska. The speed of the plates is similar to how fast our fingernails grow.

7. Chalk is made of trillions upon trillions of microscopic plankton fossils

Coccolithophores are tiny single-celled algae that have been living in the oceans of Earth for over 200 million years. They surround themselves with tiny plates of calcite (coccoliths), which is unlike any other marine plant. Coccolithophores formed in thick layers on ocean floors, covering them with a white ooze. This was just 100 million years ago. The pressure from the ocean floor pushed the coccoliths into rock. This created chalk deposits like the Dover white cliffs. Coccolithophores is just one example of many prehistoric species that are preserved in fossil form. But how can we determine how old they really are? Rock forms in horizontal layers over time. Older rocks are at the bottom, while younger rocks are near the top. Paleontologists can approximate the age of a fossil by studying the rock from which it is found. Based on radioactive elements like carbon-14, carbon dating gives a more precise estimate of a fossil’s age.

8. It will be too hot to sustain life on Earth in 2.3 billion years

The Sun will get brighter and more intense over the next hundreds of millions of year. Temperatures will rise to the point that our oceans will evaporate in just 2 billion years. This will make it impossible for Earthlings to live. Our planet will soon become a desert like Mars. Scientists predict that Earth will eventually be engulfed by the Sun as it grows into a red giant over the next few billion years.

9. Infrared cameras are almost impossible to detect polar bears

The heat that is lost by a subject can be detected using thermal cameras, but polar bears have mastered the art of conserving heat. A thick layer of blubber beneath the skin keeps bears warm. They can withstand even the coldest Arctic days thanks to their dense fur coat.

10. It takes light 8 minutes and 19 seconds to travel from Earth to Sun

Light travels 300,000 km (186,000 miles per second) in space. It takes a lot of time to cover the 150 million kilometres (93,000,000 miles) between us, the Sun, and this speed. Eight minutes is still a lot compared to the five-and-a-half hours required for the Sun’s light to reach Pluto.

11. The human race could be reduced to the size of a sugar cube if all the space in our atoms was removed

Although the atoms that make up our world appear solid, they are actually 99.99999 percent empty space. An atom is composed of a small, dense nucleus, surrounded by electrons and spread over a large area. Because electrons behave like waves, they are particles as well. The crests and the troughs of these waves are what make electrons exist. Instead of being located in a single point, electrons are distributed over multiple probabilities. This is called an orbital. These electrons occupy huge amounts of space.

12. Stomach acid can dissolve stainless steel

The highly corrosive acid hydrochloric acid, which has a pH between 2 and 3, affects the digestion of food. Your stomach lining is also affected by this acid. It secretes an alkali bicarbonate solution to protect itself. It is necessary to replace the lining every day, and it completely renews itself every four.

13. The Earth is a huge magnet

The Earth’s inner core is made up of a sphere filled with solid iron and surrounded by liquid iron. Temperature and density variations create currents in the iron that in turn produces electrical currents. These currents, paired up by the Earth’s rotation, create a magnetic field that is used worldwide by compass needles.

14. Venus is the only planet that can spin clockwise

Our Solar System began as a swirling cloud made of gas and dust. It eventually became a spinning disc with our Sun at its centre. All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same direction because of this common origin. They all also spin in the same direction (counterclockwise, if observed from above), except Uranus & Venus. Uranus spins on its back, while Venus spins in the opposite direction. These planetary anomalies are most likely caused by gigantic asteroids that have thrown them off track in the distant past.

15. A flea can accelerate quicker than the Space Shuttle

Jumping fleas can reach heights of eight centimetres (three in) in one millisecond. Acceleration refers to the change in speed over time. It is often measured in ‘gs. One g equals the acceleration caused on Earth by gravity (9.8m/32.2ft per square second). Fleas can experience 100g while the Space Shuttle was able to reach around 5g. This is due to a rubber-like protein that allows it to store and release energy just like a spring.

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SpaceX Determines the Reason Behind the Falcon 9 Malfunction and Plans to Resume Flying as Soon as July 27



On July 11, when a Falcon 9 was launching 20 of SpaceX’s Starlink broadband satellites into low Earth orbit, the failure took place. The rocket’s first stage ran smoothly that day, but an oxygen leak in its upper stage stopped it from performing the intended orbit-raising burn. As a result, the Starlink satellites were launched too low and quickly returned to Earth, where they burned up in the planet’s dense atmosphere.

The enigma surrounding the leak’s origin is now solved. In an update on Thursday afternoon (July 25), SpaceX stated that it was caused by “a crack in a sense line for a pressure sensor attached to the vehicle’s oxygen system.” “This line cracked due to fatigue caused by high loading from engine vibration and looseness in the clamp that normally constrains the line.”

On July 11, the upper stage’s lone Merlin engine executed its first burn according to plan, precisely as it entered a coast phase in an elliptical orbit. However, according to SpaceX’s anomaly study, which was supervised by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the leak stopped the engine from performing a second burn, which was intended to circularize its orbit prior to Starlink satellite placement.

In an update published on Thursday, the business stated that the leak “led to the excessive cooling of engine components, most importantly those associated with the delivery of ignition fluid to the engine.” “As a result, the engine experienced a hard start rather than a controlled burn, which damaged the engine hardware and caused the upper stage to subsequently lose attitude control.”

All 20 satellites were successfully launched by the upper stage, but as was already said, their orbital lifetime was short.

The update stated that “the failed sense line and sensor on the second-stage engine will be removed for near-term Falcon launches,” according to company reps.

“The sensor is not used by the flight safety system and can be covered by alternate sensors already present on the engine,” they stated.”The design change has been tested at SpaceX’s rocket development facility in McGregor, Texas, with enhanced qualification analysis and oversight by the FAA and involvement from the SpaceX investigation team. An additional qualification review, inspection, and scrub of all sense lines and clamps on the active booster fleet led to a proactive replacement in select locations.”

The FAA has received SpaceX’s accident report. Thursday afternoon, the firm announced on X that it is “poised to rapidly return to flight as soon as Saturday, July 27.”

Since a Falcon 9 rocket disintegrated in June 2015 while delivering a robotic Dragon cargo capsule toward the International Space Station, SpaceX has not experienced an in-flight malfunction until the anomaly of July 11. The Dragon was lost as a result of the mishap.

Nevertheless, in September 2016, during preflight testing, a Falcon 9 exploded on the pad. The AMOS-6 communications satellite, which was part of the rocket’s payload, was also lost due to that incident.

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NASA Chandra View Reveals Cosmic Pillars of Creation Shining



The Chandra X-ray Observatory of NASA had a magnificent 25th anniversary celebration. On Tuesday, the space agency unveiled 25 never-before-seen photos taken with the space telescope. The images include the planet Jupiter as well as galaxies and nebulae throughout the cosmos. It’s difficult to choose a favorite, but a new perspective on the M16 Eagle Nebula is noteworthy. The picture includes the magnificent Pillars of Creation, a well-known celestial structure that has fascinated people on Earth for many years.

The Pillars of Creation, a star-forming zone with towering fingers of gas and dust, gained notoriety in the 1990s thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope. In 2022, the James Webb Space Telescope participated with its own version.

Chandra’s X-ray vision gives it a unique ability to reveal aspects of the universe. As per NASA, “X-rays are an especially penetrating type of light that reveals extremely hot objects and very energetic physical processes.” “Many fascinating regions in space glow strongly in X-rays, such as the debris from exploded stars and material swirling around black holes.” Data from other observatories that “see” in different ways is frequently integrated with data from Chandra. Data from Chandra combined with an infrared picture from Webb is used to create the Pillars of Creation image.

In the updated picture, Chandra amplifies the stellar power. Search for young stars that resemble confetti. These represent the pinnacle of Chandra’s input. The Chandra team used beautiful words to describe the image: “The misty glow, colorful stars, and lifelike gray dust formations combine to create an image of yearning cloud creatures at dusk, reaching for something just out of frame.”

The latest Chandra photos are all quite beautiful. Known for being the remnant of a supernova explosion, the Crab Nebula is another prominent structure. It looked like a neon purple mushroom with a web of veins and filaments surrounding it, according to the Chandra team.

Another area where stars originate is called Cat’s Paw Nebula, which was also photographed by Chandra. A group of young stars with white spots at their centers and a vivid purple appearance were observed by the observatory.

The combined Chandra and Hubble infrared image of Jupiter appears like a striped marble hovering in space. The neon-purple bands at the planet’s top and bottom were identified by the Chandra team. The scientists explained, “Capping the planet’s magnetic poles, these purple strips represent X-ray auroras, created when high-energy particles collide with gas in the planet’s atmosphere.”

On July 23, 1999, Chandra was launched with assistance from the space shuttle Columbia. Since then, the telescope has recorded about 25,000 observations. According to Pat Slane, director of the Chandra X-ray Center, “Astronomers have used Chandra to investigate mysteries that we didn’t even know about when we were building the telescope—including exoplanets and dark energy,” A NASA count indicates that more than 10,000 peer-reviewed articles have been authored by scientists using Chandra data.

The stunning new photos have a bittersweet quality. NASA revealed intentions to reduce the observatory’s funding, perhaps leading to the closure of its operations. That implies that there may not be any more anniversary parties. Even though Chandra may not be as well-known as the Hubble Space Telescope or the Webb telescope, the observatory has made significant contributions to the study of exoplanets, black holes, and distant galaxies. “Help understand the structure and evolution of the universe.” is its stated objective. It would be hard for the astronomers who utilize Chandra’s data to say goodbye.

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NASA Releases a New Study by Sunita Williams While the Boeing Starliner Remains in Orbit



The two astronauts who were sent as part of Boeing’s Crew Flight Test were Sunita “Suni” Williams and Butch Wilmore.

For more than a month now, Boeing’s Starliner has been trapped in orbit. The spacecraft was originally scheduled for a 10-day mission when it launched on June 5. But when it docked at the International Space Station the following day, it ran into unanticipated problems with its thrusters. The astronauts are conducting research while in orbit as they continue to work on a solution.

NASA releases research on space plants by Sunita Williams

As part of Boeing’s Crew Flight Test, two astronauts were deployed: Sunita “Suni” Williams and Butch Wilmore. According to a NASA statement, the two, with plenty of free time on their hands, conducted research on space plants and free-flying robots on Wednesday. According to the US space agency, Wilmore and Williams are “exploring ways to effectively water plants in the weightless environment.”

The announcement also stated that “The duo took turns throughout the day in the Harmony module, testing how root models and plants of various sizes would absorb water in microgravity . The Plant Water Management study looks at techniques such as hydroponics and air circulation to nourish plants growing aboard spacecraft and space habitats.”

NASA noted in an earlier statement that the two astronauts’ primary focus was testing various techniques for watering plants grown in the weightless microgravity environment without soil. According to the statement, “Williams first set up the Plant Water Management hardware in the Harmony module then tested a variety of liquid flow methods while video recording the results,”

It continues, “Following her work, Wilmore ran more tests using hydroponics and air circulation techniques to learn how to effectively nourish a variety of plants on spacecraft and space habitats.” In the meantime, the agency stated that the two “started their day servicing a variety of research hardware” in the release on Thursday.

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